Monday, 23 July 2007

Poor old Jonah

Poor old Jonah our 10 year old chocolate Labrador has been really poorly this week. On Saturday i had to take him to the vet as he was very tired and his coat was looking shabby. He was also loosing weight and having lots of "Piddling" accidents. Anyway to cut a long story short it turns out Jonah is Diabetic. He has to have twice daily shots of insulin to keep him well. He has spent today in the hospital getting his blood sugar stabilised and has come home tonight looking much better. Poor Jonah x


Canadian Power said...

Hey Kate, My aunt has to give her cat injections too. The stupid(I mean lovely really) cat comes and sits and waits to get its treat when it's all over. I don't know if Damon mentioned it but I used to work for a vet and even I don't like giving needles especially when they cry...that could be one of the reasons I switched to Environmental Engineering...LOL Good luck and just remember it's making your lovely doggy feel better!!---Sophia

kate Flynn said...

Hi Sophia, thanks for your note, I have found it pretty tough giving him his shots but as the week has gone on i have got a little more relaxed- i tend to do it when he's eating so he's distracted a little.
I love your blog- you inspired me to start ours so thanks...X

Joan said...

Jonah is a handsome boy! And bless your heart for keeping up with his diabetes. You're a good "mom" to your Labs!

My Labs are honored to call you a friend!

Joan (from LabTails)